Apphud status is Operational

Wed 11
Thu 12
Fri 13
Sat 14
Sun 15
Mon 16
Tue 17
Last updated 1 minute ago from official status page. Learn more
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    Apphud Components

    Wed 11
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    Apphud API

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    Apphud Dashboard

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    Apphud Alternatives

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    Data Source Connection
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    AppStore changes related issues
    Started 5 Sep 2024 11:38:12 (13 days ago), still ongoing
    Incident without Impact
    Data Source Connection

    We are currently encountering challenges with Apple data due to widespread changes in how Apple servers provide access to their functionalities. While we've made numerous adjustments over the past two weeks, new issues have surfaced in several areas of our product:

    • Keyword Data Collection: Delays may occur.
    • AppStore Login & Password Connection (2FA beta): Stability issues may arise after the 30-day auto-extension period ends.

    Our team is working diligently to address these issues and is actively monitoring for potential impacts in other parts of our product as a result of Apple's changes. We will provide updates as we progress.

    AppFollow Integrations

    Wed 11
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    See all
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