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Recently Resolved Incidents
We've identified the issue that's caused the Lifecycle stage properties after contact merges to be unavailable since 12:09 PM EST (UTC -05:00) on Jan 14, 2025. We're addressing the cause of this issue and all data will be backfilled by February 13, 2025.
A Cloudflare outage is causing long load times across HubSpot. Cloudfare has identified the issue and is working to resolve it:
There was an issue with some filter criteria based workflow branches between 8:47 am ET and 10:43 am ET. If a record went through a workflow branch with a filter criteria that referenced an object associated with the enrolled record, that record went down the "None met" branch.
Customers should re-enroll anything that enrolled during that time only if they are comfortable having the workflow run again.
We apologize for the inconvenience this generated.
HubSpot Outage Survival Guide
HubSpot Components
HubSpot CRM
A Cloudflare outage is causing long load times across HubSpot. Cloudfare has identified the issue and is working to resolve it:
We've identified the issue that's caused the Lifecycle stage properties after contact merges to be unavailable since 12:09 PM EST (UTC -05:00) on Jan 14, 2025. We're addressing the cause of this issue and all data will be backfilled by February 13, 2025.
HubSpot Marketing Tools
A Cloudflare outage is causing long load times across HubSpot. Cloudfare has identified the issue and is working to resolve it:
HubSpot Website
A Cloudflare outage is causing long load times across HubSpot. Cloudfare has identified the issue and is working to resolve it:
HubSpot Sales Tools
A Cloudflare outage is causing long load times across HubSpot. Cloudfare has identified the issue and is working to resolve it:
HubSpot Service Tools
A Cloudflare outage is causing long load times across HubSpot. Cloudfare has identified the issue and is working to resolve it:
HubSpot Chat & Automation
There was an issue with some filter criteria based workflow branches between 8:47 am ET and 10:43 am ET. If a record went through a workflow branch with a filter criteria that referenced an object associated with the enrolled record, that record went down the "None met" branch.
Customers should re-enroll anything that enrolled during that time only if they are comfortable having the workflow run again.
We apologize for the inconvenience this generated.
A Cloudflare outage is causing long load times across HubSpot. Cloudfare has identified the issue and is working to resolve it:
HubSpot Reports
A Cloudflare outage is causing long load times across HubSpot. Cloudfare has identified the issue and is working to resolve it:
HubSpot APIs
There was an issue with some filter criteria based workflow branches between 8:47 am ET and 10:43 am ET. If a record went through a workflow branch with a filter criteria that referenced an object associated with the enrolled record, that record went down the "None met" branch.
Customers should re-enroll anything that enrolled during that time only if they are comfortable having the workflow run again.
We apologize for the inconvenience this generated.
A Cloudflare outage is causing long load times across HubSpot. Cloudfare has identified the issue and is working to resolve it:
HubSpot Integrations
A Cloudflare outage is causing long load times across HubSpot. Cloudfare has identified the issue and is working to resolve it:
HubSpot Mobile
A Cloudflare outage is causing long load times across HubSpot. Cloudfare has identified the issue and is working to resolve it: