Hex Status
Real-time updates of Hex issues and outages
Hex status is Operational
Hex Data Connections
Hex Kernels
Hex Main site
Hex Login
Hex Single tenant stacks
Active Incidents
AWS is experiencing increased API error rates for services in us-east-2. This may affect the availability of Hex. We are currently monitoring the status of these issues.
Recently Resolved Incidents
We are currently investigating this issue.
Hex Outage Survival Guide
Hex Components
Hex Data Connections
AWS is experiencing increased API error rates for services in us-east-2. This may affect the availability of Hex. We are currently monitoring the status of these issues.
Hex Kernels
AWS is experiencing increased API error rates for services in us-east-2. This may affect the availability of Hex. We are currently monitoring the status of these issues.
Hex Main site
AWS is experiencing increased API error rates for services in us-east-2. This may affect the availability of Hex. We are currently monitoring the status of these issues.
We are currently investigating this issue.
Hex Login
AWS is experiencing increased API error rates for services in us-east-2. This may affect the availability of Hex. We are currently monitoring the status of these issues.
Hex Single tenant stacks
AWS is experiencing increased API error rates for services in us-east-2. This may affect the availability of Hex. We are currently monitoring the status of these issues.