Courier Status
Real-time updates of Courier issues and outages
Courier status is Operational
Integrations: Outbound from Courier
SparkPost SMTP Delivery - USA
Courier Twilio SMS Long Code, North America
Courier Twilio SMS Long Code, North America
Active Incidents
No active incidents
Recently Resolved Incidents
No recent incidents
Courier Outage Survival Guide
Courier Components
Courier Web Application
Courier API
Courier Automations
Courier Observability
Courier Inbox
Courier Hosting Infrastructure
AWS dynamodb-us-east-1
AWS elasticsearch-us-east-1
AWS kinesis-us-east-1
AWS lambda-us-east-1
AWS sqs-us-east-1
Integrations: Outbound from Courier
Mailgun API
Mailgun Outbound Delivery
Mailjet REST API
Mailjet SEND API
Nexmo Outbound SMS
Segment Data Ingestion (Tracking) API
Segment Cloud Sources
SendGrid API
SendGrid SMTP
Slack Apps/Integrations/APIs
SparkPost SMTP API - USA
SparkPost SMTP Delivery - USA
SparkPost SMTP Delivery - EUROPE
Twilio SMS
Integrations: Inbound to Courier
Segment Destinations
Courier Twilio SMS Long Code, North America
Courier Twilio SMS Long Code, North America
Courier Twilio MMS Long Code, North America
Courier Twilio SMS Short Code, North America
Courier Twilio MMS Short Code, North America
Courier Twilio SMS Toll-Free, North America
Courier Twilio MMS Toll-Free, North America
Courier Alternatives
Microsoft has disabled Basic (Non-OAuth) authentication for Exchange Online mailboxes using Free or Family licenses - also known as Personal Accounts. These include free email addresses using the domains,,,, and others.
Microsoft only allows these mailboxes to use Exchange Web Services and Exchange ActiveSync using Basic authentication, so these mailboxes are no longer able to utilize those services. Our API v2 uses both of those services to communicate with all Microsoft mailboxes.
Microsoft has provided no work-around for continuing to use those services, so these mailboxes can no longer use our API v2 and must start using our API v3. We use Microsoft Graph API for our API v3 and that is not affected.
This does NOT affect paid mailboxes using Microsoft's Business or School licenses. This also does NOT affect on-premise Exchange mailboxes. Only free mailboxes using Microsoft's Free or Family licenses are affected.