Knock status is Operational

Wed 11
Thu 12
Fri 13
Sat 14
Sun 15
Mon 16
Tue 17
Notification delivery
Wed 11
Thu 12
Fri 13
Sat 14
Sun 15
Mon 16
Tue 17
Link and open tracking
Wed 11
Thu 12
Fri 13
Sat 14
Sun 15
Mon 16
Tue 17
Last updated 1 minute ago from official status page. Learn more
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Active Incidents

No active incidents

Recently Resolved Incidents

Issue resolving tracked links for some recipients
Started 17 Sep 2024 17:54:12 (22 hours ago), resolved 18 Sep 2024 01:20:16 (14 hours ago)
Minor Incident
Link and open tracking

We are investigating reports that tracked links are failing to resolve for some customer recipients, instead returning a certificate validation error. We are able to reproduce the issue intermittently and we are working on a fix. We will share updates as we have them.

Elevated FCM sending issues
Started 12 Sep 2024 14:32:20 (6 days ago), resolved 12 Sep 2024 16:07:05 (6 days ago)
Minor Incident
Notification delivery

We're seeing issues with sending push notifications across FCM that we're currently investigating. We'll post an update as soon as we have more to share.

Knock Outage Survival Guide

A step-by-step guide to help you survive a Knock outage

    Knock Components

    Wed 11
    Thu 12
    Fri 13
    Sat 14
    Sun 15
    Mon 16
    Tue 17

    Knock systems

    Wed 11
    Thu 12
    Fri 13
    Sat 14
    Sun 15
    Mon 16
    Tue 17
    Notification delivery
    Wed 11
    Thu 12
    Fri 13
    Sat 14
    Sun 15
    Mon 16
    Tue 17
    Elevated FCM sending issues
    Started 12 Sep 2024 14:32:20 (6 days ago), resolved 12 Sep 2024 16:07:05 (6 days ago)
    Minor Incident
    Notification delivery

    We're seeing issues with sending push notifications across FCM that we're currently investigating. We'll post an update as soon as we have more to share.

    Wed 11
    Thu 12
    Fri 13
    Sat 14
    Sun 15
    Mon 16
    Tue 17
    Wed 11
    Thu 12
    Fri 13
    Sat 14
    Sun 15
    Mon 16
    Tue 17
    Webhook delivery
    Wed 11
    Thu 12
    Fri 13
    Sat 14
    Sun 15
    Mon 16
    Tue 17
    API and workflow logs
    Wed 11
    Thu 12
    Fri 13
    Sat 14
    Sun 15
    Mon 16
    Tue 17
    Link and open tracking
    Wed 11
    Thu 12
    Fri 13
    Sat 14
    Sun 15
    Mon 16
    Tue 17
    Issue resolving tracked links for some recipients
    Started 17 Sep 2024 17:54:12 (22 hours ago), resolved 18 Sep 2024 01:20:16 (14 hours ago)
    Minor Incident
    Link and open tracking

    We are investigating reports that tracked links are failing to resolve for some customer recipients, instead returning a certificate validation error. We are able to reproduce the issue intermittently and we are working on a fix. We will share updates as we have them.

    Knock Third-party integrations

    Wed 11
    Thu 12
    Fri 13
    Sat 14
    Sun 15
    Mon 16
    Tue 17
    Datadog US1 Metrics
    Wed 11
    Thu 12
    Fri 13
    Sat 14
    Sun 15
    Mon 16
    Tue 17

    Knock Event ingestion providers

    Wed 11
    Thu 12
    Fri 13
    Sat 14
    Sun 15
    Mon 16
    Tue 17
    Segment Streaming Destinations (US)
    Wed 11
    Thu 12
    Fri 13
    Sat 14
    Sun 15
    Mon 16
    Tue 17

    Knock Mailjet Outgoing SMTP

    Wed 11
    Thu 12
    Fri 13
    Sat 14
    Sun 15
    Mon 16
    Tue 17

    Knock AWS ses-us-east-1

    Wed 11
    Thu 12
    Fri 13
    Sat 14
    Sun 15
    Mon 16
    Tue 17

    Knock SendGrid SMTP

    Wed 11
    Thu 12
    Fri 13
    Sat 14
    Sun 15
    Mon 16
    Tue 17

    Knock SparkPost SMTP Delivery - USA

    Wed 11
    Thu 12
    Fri 13
    Sat 14
    Sun 15
    Mon 16
    Tue 17

    Knock Slack Apps/Integrations/APIs

    Wed 11
    Thu 12
    Fri 13
    Sat 14
    Sun 15
    Mon 16
    Tue 17

    Knock Alternatives

    Wed 11
    Thu 12
    Fri 13
    Sat 14
    Sun 15
    Mon 16
    Tue 17
    Wed 11
    Thu 12
    Fri 13
    Sat 14
    Sun 15
    Mon 16
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    Wed 11
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    Mon 16
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    Wed 11
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    Mon 16
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    Wed 11
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    Sun 15
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    Wed 11
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    Wed 11
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    Wed 11
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    Tue 17