HostiFi status is Operational

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    HostiFi Components

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    HostiFi Servers

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    HostiFi Support

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    Live Chat
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    HostiFi Sites

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    HostiFi Alternatives

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    BitTitan MigrationWiz

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    Known Issue with G Suite (API) Mailbox Migrations Causing Throttling and Slowness
    Started 29 Jul 2024 19:14:33 (2 months ago), still ongoing
    Minor Incident
    MigrationWiz DE

    We are currently experiencing a known issue with the Google API due to recent changes made by Google. These changes are causing extreme throttling and slowness in our services.

    To mitigate this issue, we recommend using the Google (IMAP) connector for all Google Mail migrations until we can resolve the problem.

    We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding as we work to address this issue.

    New migrations waiting in “Submitted” detected
    Started 27 Aug 2024 18:19:06 (22 days ago), still ongoing
    Minor Incident

    Projects in North America, Western Europe, France, and South America data centers may experience new migrations waiting in “Submitted” state for an extended period of time. We are aware of the degraded performance and are actively working to resolve the issue. Please expect an update by 3:30pm CT

    BitTitan MigrationWiz DE

    Wed 11
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    Known Issue with G Suite (API) Mailbox Migrations Causing Throttling and Slowness
    Started 29 Jul 2024 19:14:33 (2 months ago), still ongoing
    Minor Incident
    MigrationWiz DE

    We are currently experiencing a known issue with the Google API due to recent changes made by Google. These changes are causing extreme throttling and slowness in our services.

    To mitigate this issue, we recommend using the Google (IMAP) connector for all Google Mail migrations until we can resolve the problem.

    We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding as we work to address this issue.

    See all
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    TDC Erhverv Cloud Solutions TDC Erhverv Teams

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    Forkert licenstype eller manglende licens til kaldflows i Teams kan skabe problemer
    Started 28 Jul 2023 09:43:45 (1 year ago), still ongoing
    TDC Erhverv Teams

    Det kan ske, at Auto Attendants og Call Queues, som er sat op med telefoni i Teams, ikke længere fungerer.

    Problemet skyldes, at der har været brugt "Teams Phone Standard"-licenser, og disse kan ikke længere bruges til ressourcekonti til Auto Attendants og Call Queues.

    I bør hurtigst muligt kontrollere alle jeres servicekonti til Teams-kaldflows og rette licenserne til "Microsoft Teams Phone Resource Account".

    I skal også tildele en "Microsoft Teams Phone Resource Account"-licens til de ressourcekonti, der ikke har en sådan licens i forvejen.

    Bemærk: Når I udskifter licenserne, skal den gamle licens fjernes og den nye licens tildeles i samme ændring - ellers kan telefoniindstillingerne gå tabt.

    Se mere her:

    I kan kontakte vores kundeservice på 7733 7171 eller, hvis I har behov for hjælp.

    TDC Erhverv Cloud Solutions Mobil

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    Udfordringer med ring til mobil voicemail
    Started 30 Jan 2023 13:56:58 (2 years ago), still ongoing
    Minor Incident

    Kære kunder

    Vi oplever flere mobil brugere oplever, at de bliver bedt om at indtaste en pinkode når de trykker på deres Voicemail knap på deres telefoner. Fejlen påvirker både iPhone, og Android mobil telefoner.

    Den midlertidige løsning er at ringe direkte ind til Voicemail nummeret 51100303.

    Vores teknikere er i gang med at undersøge fejlen.

    Vi kommer retur snarest muligt

    See all