Asaas status is Operational

Wed 11
Thu 12
Fri 13
Sat 14
Sun 15
Mon 16
Tue 17
Last updated 1 minute ago from official status page. Learn more
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    Asaas Components

    Wed 11
    Thu 12
    Fri 13
    Sat 14
    Sun 15
    Mon 16
    Tue 17

    Asaas Aplicação web

    Wed 11
    Thu 12
    Fri 13
    Sat 14
    Sun 15
    Mon 16
    Tue 17

    Asaas Aplicação mobile

    Wed 11
    Thu 12
    Fri 13
    Sat 14
    Sun 15
    Mon 16
    Tue 17

    Asaas API

    Wed 11
    Thu 12
    Fri 13
    Sat 14
    Sun 15
    Mon 16
    Tue 17

    Asaas Webhooks

    Wed 11
    Thu 12
    Fri 13
    Sat 14
    Sun 15
    Mon 16
    Tue 17

    Asaas Sandbox

    Wed 11
    Thu 12
    Fri 13
    Sat 14
    Sun 15
    Mon 16
    Tue 17

    Asaas Cartão de Crédito

    Wed 11
    Thu 12
    Fri 13
    Sat 14
    Sun 15
    Mon 16
    Tue 17

    Asaas Boletos

    Wed 11
    Thu 12
    Fri 13
    Sat 14
    Sun 15
    Mon 16
    Tue 17
    Liquidação de boletos
    Wed 11
    Thu 12
    Fri 13
    Sat 14
    Sun 15
    Mon 16
    Tue 17
    Registro de Boletos
    Wed 11
    Thu 12
    Fri 13
    Sat 14
    Sun 15
    Mon 16
    Tue 17

    Asaas Pix

    Wed 11
    Thu 12
    Fri 13
    Sat 14
    Sun 15
    Mon 16
    Tue 17

    Asaas Notificações

    Wed 11
    Thu 12
    Fri 13
    Sat 14
    Sun 15
    Mon 16
    Tue 17
    Envio de SMS
    Wed 11
    Thu 12
    Fri 13
    Sat 14
    Sun 15
    Mon 16
    Tue 17
    Envio de E-mail
    Wed 11
    Thu 12
    Fri 13
    Sat 14
    Sun 15
    Mon 16
    Tue 17
    Envio de Robô de Voz
    Wed 11
    Thu 12
    Fri 13
    Sat 14
    Sun 15
    Mon 16
    Tue 17
    Envio de WhatsApp
    Wed 11
    Thu 12
    Fri 13
    Sat 14
    Sun 15
    Mon 16
    Tue 17

    Asaas Canais de atendimento

    Wed 11
    Thu 12
    Fri 13
    Sat 14
    Sun 15
    Mon 16
    Tue 17

    Asaas Alternatives

    Wed 11
    Thu 12
    Fri 13
    Sat 14
    Sun 15
    Mon 16
    Tue 17
    Wed 11
    Thu 12
    Fri 13
    Sat 14
    Sun 15
    Mon 16
    Tue 17
    Wed 11
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    Wed 11
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    Sat 14
    Sun 15
    Mon 16
    Tue 17
    Wed 11
    Thu 12
    Fri 13
    Sat 14
    Sun 15
    Mon 16
    Tue 17

    Softpay App and Services

    Wed 11
    Thu 12
    Fri 13
    Sat 14
    Sun 15
    Mon 16
    Tue 17
    Elevated number of errors on Nets transactions
    Started 9 Sep 2024 11:22:46 (9 days ago), still ongoing
    Incident without Impact
    Softpay App and Services

    We are currently investigating an elevated number of errors on Nets transactions. The issue has been reported to Nets and we are pushing for resolution. In Softpay app the errors will result in the message "Failed" and one of the following four error codes: T.12500.5001, T.600.4030, T.12500.-4640 or T.12500.-4641.

    See all
    Wed 11
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