Stripo Status
Real-time updates of Stripo issues and outages
Stripo status is Operational
Documents Service
Export Service
Active Incidents
There might be issues while uploading, changing or removing customer’s images inside the editor.
Time (UTC) : 2024-08-20T21:10:57
Recently Resolved Incidents
Since 14:30 UTC on October 28, following our recent release, some users may notice a persistent blue "Exporting..." message when exporting emails or templates to various ESPs. Although the UI status does not update, the exports are completing. We recommend checking the export status directly within your ESP to confirm completion. This issue only affects the display of export progress.
We apologize for any inconvenience and are actively working on a fix to restore accurate status updates. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Stripo Outage Survival Guide
Stripo Components
Stripo Online Web Editor
AMP Validation Service
Billing Service
Countdown Timer Service
Stripo Account Backend part
Stripo Account UI part
Documents Service
There might be issues while uploading, changing or removing customer’s images inside the editor.
Time (UTC) : 2024-08-20T21:10:57
Draft Service
Editor Front-End part
Export Service
Since 14:30 UTC on October 28, following our recent release, some users may notice a persistent blue "Exporting..." message when exporting emails or templates to various ESPs. Although the UI status does not update, the exports are completing. We recommend checking the export status directly within your ESP to confirm completion. This issue only affects the display of export progress.
We apologize for any inconvenience and are actively working on a fix to restore accurate status updates. Thank you for your patience and understanding.