LimeSpot status is Operational

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    LimeSpot Components

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    LimeSpot Storefront

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    LimeSpot Admin Panel

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    LimeSpot Shopify Integration

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    LimeSpot BigCommerce Integration

    Wed 11
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    LimeSpot Alternatives

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    now Integrations

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    Meta & Facebook - Service Interruption
    Started 9 Jan 2023 17:32:37 (2 years ago), still ongoing
    Minor Incident

    We will have a short-term interruption in service to our integrations with Facebook starting today. This is a result of a permissions issue being delayed in their product, and will have varied impact on the following Stamped features: Instagram Gallery, Social Push, Facebook Messenger Integration, Ads Center, and Smart Banner.

    What this means for your usage of these features during this period:

    • Smart Banners: Direct sharing on Facebook will not function however you can continue to use Manual Sharing
    • Ads Center, Facebook Messenger, and Social Push will be unavailable
    • Instagram Gallery:
      • My Posts, Tagged me, Mentioned me, Hashtags will be available for approval/rejection
      • Existing Instagram carousel and images will still be available (with media from the last successful sync)
      • New Instagram Media/syncing will not be available

    We anticipate Facebook will resolve this issue in 3-5 business days and will update once it is resolved. You will be required to reconnect your Facebook account after the issue is resolved.

    See all