Alula Service status is Operational

Wed 11
Thu 12
Fri 13
Sat 14
Sun 15
Mon 16
Tue 17

Alula Service Notification Services (Push / Email / SMS)

Wed 11
Thu 12
Fri 13
Sat 14
Sun 15
Mon 16
Tue 17
Last updated 1 minute ago from official status page. Learn more
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Active Incidents

Phone SMS Notification Issue
Started 23 Aug 2023 15:57:21 (1 year ago), still ongoing
Major Incident
Notification Services (Push / Email / SMS)

We've received feedback from users regarding SMS notification delivery problems. Our engineering team is actively engaged and working with our service providers to identify the issue. We'll keep you posted with updates as they become available. In the interim, if you wish to ensure your customers receive push notifications, kindly reach out to our Customer Solutions Center (888)882-5852 to facilitate the switch.

Recently Resolved Incidents

No recent incidents

Alula Service Outage Survival Guide

A step-by-step guide to help you survive a Alula Service outage

    Alula Service Components

    Wed 11
    Thu 12
    Fri 13
    Sat 14
    Sun 15
    Mon 16
    Tue 17

    Alula Service Signal Relay Services

    Wed 11
    Thu 12
    Fri 13
    Sat 14
    Sun 15
    Mon 16
    Tue 17
    PSTN Signal Relay Services
    Wed 11
    Thu 12
    Fri 13
    Sat 14
    Sun 15
    Mon 16
    Tue 17
    IP Signal Relay Services
    Wed 11
    Thu 12
    Fri 13
    Sat 14
    Sun 15
    Mon 16
    Tue 17

    Alula Service Platform Services

    Wed 11
    Thu 12
    Fri 13
    Sat 14
    Sun 15
    Mon 16
    Tue 17

    Alula Service Cellular Services

    Wed 11
    Thu 12
    Fri 13
    Sat 14
    Sun 15
    Mon 16
    Tue 17
    AT&T Gateways
    Wed 11
    Thu 12
    Fri 13
    Sat 14
    Sun 15
    Mon 16
    Tue 17
    Verizon Gateway(s)
    Wed 11
    Thu 12
    Fri 13
    Sat 14
    Sun 15
    Mon 16
    Tue 17

    Alula Service AlulaConnect

    Wed 11
    Thu 12
    Fri 13
    Sat 14
    Sun 15
    Mon 16
    Tue 17

    Alula Service Mobile Applications

    Wed 11
    Thu 12
    Fri 13
    Sat 14
    Sun 15
    Mon 16
    Tue 17

    Alula Service Video Services

    Wed 11
    Thu 12
    Fri 13
    Sat 14
    Sun 15
    Mon 16
    Tue 17

    Alula Service Notification Services (Push / Email / SMS)

    Wed 11
    Thu 12
    Fri 13
    Sat 14
    Sun 15
    Mon 16
    Tue 17
    Phone SMS Notification Issue
    Started 23 Aug 2023 15:57:21 (1 year ago), still ongoing
    Major Incident
    Notification Services (Push / Email / SMS)

    We've received feedback from users regarding SMS notification delivery problems. Our engineering team is actively engaged and working with our service providers to identify the issue. We'll keep you posted with updates as they become available. In the interim, if you wish to ensure your customers receive push notifications, kindly reach out to our Customer Solutions Center (888)882-5852 to facilitate the switch.

    Alula Service API Services

    Wed 11
    Thu 12
    Fri 13
    Sat 14
    Sun 15
    Mon 16
    Tue 17

    Alula Service Enterprise Support Services

    Wed 11
    Thu 12
    Fri 13
    Sat 14
    Sun 15
    Mon 16
    Tue 17
    Inbound Calling
    Wed 11
    Thu 12
    Fri 13
    Sat 14
    Sun 15
    Mon 16
    Tue 17
    Outbound Calling
    Wed 11
    Thu 12
    Fri 13
    Sat 14
    Sun 15
    Mon 16
    Tue 17
    Google Mail
    Wed 11
    Thu 12
    Fri 13
    Sat 14
    Sun 15
    Mon 16
    Tue 17

    Alula Service Alternatives

    Wed 11
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    Sat 14
    Sun 15
    Mon 16
    Tue 17
    Wed 11
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    Sun 15
    Mon 16
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    Wed 11
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    Wed 11
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    Wed 11
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    Wed 11
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    Wed 11
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    Tue 17