Bitly status is Operational

Mon 9
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Sun 15
Last updated 1 minute ago from official status page. Learn more
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    Bitly Components

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    Bitly Redirects

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    Bitly Custom Domain Redirects

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    Website (

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    Bitly API

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    Bitly Metrics

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    Bitly Webhook Delivery

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    Bitly Pages

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    Bitly Alternatives

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    North Europe
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    Search and Navigation EMEA23 experiencing high load
    Started 16 Sep 2024 13:31:16 (7 hours ago), still ongoing
    Minor Incident
    North Europe

    We are currently investigating an event that is impacting the availability on the Search & Navigation (FIND) service in the EMEA region, EMEA23 . A subset of clients will be experiencing high latency or 5xx-errors.

    We will post additional updates hourly or when we have information available. Thank you for your patience.

    Optimizely Service Configured Commerce – NA Region

    Mon 9
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    Configured Commerce - Degradation of sandbox environments in US region
    Started 30 Aug 2024 15:05:40 (17 days ago), still ongoing
    Minor Incident
    Configured Commerce – NA Region

    We are currently aware of an active incident with a third party supplier that is impacting Configured Commerce sandbox environments in the US region. We are continuing to work with our third party supplier to get this resolved as soon as possible. Updates will be posted here as soon as they become available.

    See all
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