37signals Status
Real-time updates of 37signals issues and outages
37signals status is Operational
37signals Basecamp 4
37signals HEY
Active Incidents
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Recently Resolved Incidents
Basecamp 4 is currently down. We're investigating the cause and will update you as soon as we can. Sorry for the interruption, everyone.
Basecamp 4 is currently down. We're investigating the cause and will update you as soon as we can. Sorry for the interruption, everyone.
HEY is having some trouble with inbound emails being delayed. We're looking into the root cause and will keep you posted here. We're so sorry for the interruption, everyone.
37signals Outage Survival Guide
37signals Components
37signals Basecamp 4
Basecamp 4 is currently down. We're investigating the cause and will update you as soon as we can. Sorry for the interruption, everyone.
Basecamp 4 is currently down. We're investigating the cause and will update you as soon as we can. Sorry for the interruption, everyone.
37signals HEY
HEY is having some trouble with inbound emails being delayed. We're looking into the root cause and will keep you posted here. We're so sorry for the interruption, everyone.